How to
How to get universal links to your podcast for everyone
One link to rule them all - or to get your new listeners. Here's how to get one.
One link to rule them all - or to get your new listeners. Here's how to get one.
How much does it cost to host a podcast on Amazon AWS?
Is hosting a podcast on Amazon AWS, including Amazon S3, a good idea?
Is hosting a podcast on Amazon AWS, including Amazon S3, a good idea?
When Things Go Wrong: How To Navigate Negative Feedback in Podcasting
Effective tops for effectively dealing with negative feedback based on our experience helping podcast hosts, business leaders, and others promote and protect their brands.
Effective tops for effectively dealing with negative feedback based on our experience helping podcast hosts, business leaders, and others promote and protect their brands.
How to test user-agent details for a podcast app
Wanting to discover how an app tells your podcast host who it is? Here's how to tell.
Wanting to discover how an app tells your podcast host who it is? Here's how to tell.
How to install Audacity on your Chromebook
Yes you can - and yes, it works. Here's how to install this audio editor on almost any modern Chromebook.
Yes you can - and yes, it works. Here's how to install this audio editor on almost any modern Chromebook.
Your own free transcripts: how to install Whisper.cpp on Mac OS
How to install Whisper.cpp really easily for Mac OS, so you have unlimited, free, transcripts made available for everyone.
How to install Whisper.cpp really easily for Mac OS, so you have unlimited, free, transcripts made available for everyone.
How to add your podcast to every podcast directory
We have a daily podcast. Here's where to find it - and all the directory links to add your podcast, too
We have a daily podcast. Here's where to find it - and all the directory links to add your podcast, too
How to install Apple Podcasts on Android
Got an Android phone? You can get Apple Podcasts on it, with these three steps. No iPhone required!
Got an Android phone? You can get Apple Podcasts on it, with these three steps. No iPhone required!
How I make... Evergreen Content for Wits & Weights
I'm a man of efficiency. What's more efficient than getting the most out of each episode?
I'm a man of efficiency. What's more efficient than getting the most out of each episode?
How to understand podcast stats
Analytics from Apple, Spotify, YouTube, podcast charts, downloads, OP3, Podtrac and more: what does it all mean? What's the biggest show in the world; and how is your show doing?
Analytics from Apple, Spotify, YouTube, podcast charts, downloads, OP3, Podtrac and more: what does it all mean? What's the biggest show in the world; and how is your show doing?
I’m seeing YouTube Music appear in my podcast host stats. Why?
They might be appearing because of two reasons...
They might be appearing because of two reasons...
How do YouTube stats work for podcasters?
Your questions answered about how YouTube stats work for podcasters and podcast hosting companies.
Your questions answered about how YouTube stats work for podcasters and podcast hosting companies.
YouTube Music plays podcasts via RSS. Here’s how
Yes, YouTube Music is a "proper" podcast app. Here's how to use it to listen to podcasts via RSS.
Yes, YouTube Music is a "proper" podcast app. Here's how to use it to listen to podcasts via RSS.
How do Apple Podcasts Transcriptions work?
How does this new feature from Apple work? Will it work with your podcast? A list of frequently-asked questions, and the answers
How does this new feature from Apple work? Will it work with your podcast? A list of frequently-asked questions, and the answers
How to store all your podcast files
Where to keep those audio files - and what to keep; plus, the way we do it
Where to keep those audio files - and what to keep; plus, the way we do it
How to get live captions for every podcast you listen to - on whatever app
There's a way to get live captions on almost any phone and almost any app
There's a way to get live captions on almost any phone and almost any app
How WebSub works: and why it's good for your podcast
WebSub fixes one of the main problems for podcasting in an elegant manner
WebSub fixes one of the main problems for podcasting in an elegant manner
Should I have the word PODCAST in my podcast’s title?
Should your podcast have the word PODCAST in it?
Should your podcast have the word PODCAST in it?
How to make decent podcast artwork
We've carried plenty of coverage about podcast artwork in the pages of Podnews. Here is some of the best.
We've carried plenty of coverage about podcast artwork in the pages of Podnews. Here is some of the best.
How to embed a podcast player into your website
Want to embed a podcast player into your website? Here's how...
Want to embed a podcast player into your website? Here's how...
How I make... Podnews
What tools are used by Podnews every day to produce the newsletter and the podcast?
What tools are used by Podnews every day to produce the newsletter and the podcast?
Mix to Mono - how to enable one-eared listening
You can make every podcast you listen to play in mono. Here's how.
You can make every podcast you listen to play in mono. Here's how.
How to use commercial music in your podcast
Can you use commercial music, from records or CDs, in your podcast? No, you can't. Here's a full set of reasons why you can't - without a licence.
Can you use commercial music, from records or CDs, in your podcast? No, you can't. Here's a full set of reasons why you can't - without a licence.
How to email someone your podcast: the AUDIO tag in email
A great way to market your podcast to someone: use email (specifically, the AUDIO player tag). We test it out.
A great way to market your podcast to someone: use email (specifically, the AUDIO player tag). We test it out.
How to do loudness: the LUFS and LKFS FAQ for podcasters
What are LUFS and LKFS, and why is Apple asking for -16 of them? This article helps with understanding loudness levels for your podcast, and how to achieve them.
What are LUFS and LKFS, and why is Apple asking for -16 of them? This article helps with understanding loudness levels for your podcast, and how to achieve them.
How can I get more listeners to my podcast?
The million-dollar question: you have a podcast, but how can you get more people listening to it?
The million-dollar question: you have a podcast, but how can you get more people listening to it?
Who's the best podcast host - how to choose
One of the most-asked questions on podcasting forums is "which podcast host should I use?" So, here's the answer.
One of the most-asked questions on podcasting forums is "which podcast host should I use?" So, here's the answer.
How to support the value you get from a podcast with ‘streaming sats’
Love the podcast you're listening to? Support the value you get from it
Love the podcast you're listening to? Support the value you get from it
How long should a podcast be?
How long should my podcast be? What's the right duration for a podcast? This is one of the first questions ever asked when people are thinking about making a podcast. Here's an attempt to answer.
How long should my podcast be? What's the right duration for a podcast? This is one of the first questions ever asked when people are thinking about making a podcast. Here's an attempt to answer.
How to keep your host-read podcast ad legal
A ruling by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority means you should be careful when making host-read ads for your podcast
A ruling by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority means you should be careful when making host-read ads for your podcast
How I Make: The Piketon Massacre
For the #1 podcast in the country last season, it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to put it together. Here’s some insight into the mechanics behind the show.
For the #1 podcast in the country last season, it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to put it together. Here’s some insight into the mechanics behind the show.
How can I charge for my podcast?
From Supercast to Supporting Cast, and Apple Podcasts Subscriptions - how you can charge for your podcast
From Supercast to Supporting Cast, and Apple Podcasts Subscriptions - how you can charge for your podcast
Advertising A Podcast, Part 3
Promo ad swaps, episode drops and crossovers
Promo ad swaps, episode drops and crossovers
How to do value4value and earn Bitcoin from your podcast
Got a podcast? You can earn Bitcoin from it, right now.
Got a podcast? You can earn Bitcoin from it, right now.
How Podcasters Can Grow Their Show with Cross-Promos
Partnerships are one of the most valuable tools in a podcasters' marketing tool kit, and setting up cross-promos can be a great way to partner.
Partnerships are one of the most valuable tools in a podcasters' marketing tool kit, and setting up cross-promos can be a great way to partner.
How to report a pirated podcast
If your show's audio has been copied by someone else, and you need to get it removed under DMCA or copyright takedown, here's how and where to do that.
If your show's audio has been copied by someone else, and you need to get it removed under DMCA or copyright takedown, here's how and where to do that.
How we... redesigned Player FM
Player FM has gone through a redesign. What's new - and what have they learnt about the process?
Player FM has gone through a redesign. What's new - and what have they learnt about the process?
How I make... Hit Different
Courtney Carthy dives into his bag of tools for producing a hit podcast
Courtney Carthy dives into his bag of tools for producing a hit podcast
How people find your podcast in apps - who indexes what?
What podcast and/or episode metadata is indexed by which search engines and directories? How should you use your RSS feed to get more new listeners?
What podcast and/or episode metadata is indexed by which search engines and directories? How should you use your RSS feed to get more new listeners?
How to make your episode notes work in all the podcast players
Want to make your episode notes look lovely? Here's the way to avoid also making them look rubbish.
Want to make your episode notes look lovely? Here's the way to avoid also making them look rubbish.
How to create a compelling call to action in your podcast episodes
Five simple steps that you can take to improve your show notes and increase listener retention
Five simple steps that you can take to improve your show notes and increase listener retention
How to know when you can depend on 'fair use'
Fair use is possible for podcasters to use, as long as you understand and use the courts' interpretive logic.
Fair use is possible for podcasters to use, as long as you understand and use the courts' interpretive logic.
How this company generated over 68% of its revenue from podcasting
Jake Jorgovan highlights how a podcast evolved into the most effective driver of new revenue for his business
Jake Jorgovan highlights how a podcast evolved into the most effective driver of new revenue for his business
How I make... Podrunner and Groovelectric
Steve Boyett uses a lot of musical hardware to produce his two podcasts
Steve Boyett uses a lot of musical hardware to produce his two podcasts
How I make... True Crime Reporter
How does a proper investigative reporter turn his hand into making a true crime podcast? And what does he think of the others?
How does a proper investigative reporter turn his hand into making a true crime podcast? And what does he think of the others?
How I make... Grumpy Old Geeks
More than 460 episodes, and 'a few million downloads'. Jason DeFillippo shows us how it's done.
More than 460 episodes, and 'a few million downloads'. Jason DeFillippo shows us how it's done.
How I make... Podcast Pontifications
Evo Terra tells us why it takes 3.5 hours for him to record an episode that lasts for less than ten minutes.
Evo Terra tells us why it takes 3.5 hours for him to record an episode that lasts for less than ten minutes.
How I make... Podcast Gumbo
Paul Kondo explains how he makes his weekly podcast recommendation podcast
Paul Kondo explains how he makes his weekly podcast recommendation podcast
Advertising A Podcast, Part 2
Buying Social and Search Ads
Buying Social and Search Ads
Advertising a Podcast, Part 1
How to Stand Out and Build An Audience
How to Stand Out and Build An Audience
How to encode your audio: MP3 or AAC / M4A?
What should you use for your podcast?
What should you use for your podcast?
How I make... The Freenoter
From ATR-2100s to Auphonic, here's how The Freenoter is made
From ATR-2100s to Auphonic, here's how The Freenoter is made