How I make... The Freenoter

· By · 1.4 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

It was tons of fun starting The Freenoter, a podcast that covers all the angles of how to profit from speaking for free—especially with my scintillating other half Tamsen Snyder Webster. I thought I’d share how we make it.

Microphones: Audio-Technica ATR-2100 dynamic mics (newbies—stay away from condenser mics if you are recording in your living room, like we do!). Still the workhorse choice for podcasters. We record on our dining table with a blanket spread out on it to dull the reverb of the hard surface.

Recording/Mixing: All done on a Zoom H-6 multitrack recorder. I don’t record directly onto the laptop—I keep all the tracks separate through the whole process and then transfer the tracks to my Macbook Air for editing.

Episode planning and Assembly: I started working with Auxbus for this, though I am not using all of their capabilities. Auxbus automatically stitches together and processes your audio, gives you a great planning platform, and then publishes directly to Omny Studio, where the show is hosted. Everything pushes out from there automatically to Spotify and the various podcast platforms (except Soundcloud, which I upload manually.)

Editing and post-production: Adobe Audition. I spend a couple of hours on this. It’s meditative.

Audio processing: I upload the final mixdown to Auphonic, which normalizes levels and outputs a file at the right loudness.

Music: Licensed from Pond 5

Art: The genius of Chris Farias.

And (coming very very soon, just waiting for DNS propagation) a snazzy podcast website from my friends at RadioPublic.

Anyway. In case any of you were curious.

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