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How to embed a podcast player into your website

· First published · By · 4.1 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Want to embed a player into your website that automatically updates with every new episode?

These players let you embed your podcast no matter where it’s hosted.

Your podcast host may also have an embedded player, too; which might be brilliant and may offer better features.

Apple Podcasts

Get the code to embed this by visiting a podcast’s page on Apple Podcasts, hitting the “share” icon, and then the “embed” icon. You can also share individual episodes, too.

Plays from the embed player do not currently appear in Apple Podcasts Analytics.


Here’s how to embed this - use the Spotify desktop app, and click the “…” next to the “Follow” (or on the individual episodes). Then copy the embed code.

Tests show that using the Spotify embedded player results in more subscriptions to your podcast on Spotify than just using whatever player your podcast host gives you.

Stats for Spotify podcast plays are available on your podcast dashboard - and within selected podcast hosts. However, if the user isn’t logged in when listening on that device, the stream won’t be logged in Spotify for Podcasters. It will, though, still count as a download if your podcast host has passthrough.

Not on Spotify? Add yourself here.


Powered by Elfsight

Elfsight offers a paid-for responsive podcast player widget which has a number of themes and a widget editor to make it look just so. The company says that over two million people are using Elfsight widgets across the web.


JustCast’s player widget includes full support for podcast chapters in the new podcast namespace (which you’ll not see in this example because Podnews doesn’t support them).

You can set it up here or here’s the open source code.


Fusebox is a paid-for embedded player, which works multi-platform. Three customiseable players, including a 'sticky’ player that works across your website, are available. Above, we’ve customised ours to add a button to get our newsletter.

Embed this by visiting the Fusebox website and click “Get started for free”.


Podcast transcription company Podscribe offers a transcript player, as above, for individual episodes of your podcast.

Listen Notes

Embed this by searching for your podcast on Listen Notes, hitting the “embed” tab, and copying the code.


Embed this by:

  1. Visit
  2. Find the embedded player on the right-hand side of the page
  3. Follow the instructions

There’s more detail about the player here.

Not in RadioPublic? Get started here.


Embed this by:

  1. Visiting Castbox and searching for your podcast
  2. Press the share button
  3. Copy the code (keep autoplay off)


Embed this by visiting the setup page.


Podkite lets you embed episodes, but not your podcast, into a website. Here’s their instructions.

Know of any others? We’d love to hear them.

Privacy: all the above components make calls to various websites.

This page contains automated links to Apple Podcasts. We may receive a commission for purchases made.

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