Should I have the word PODCAST in my podcast’s title?

This article is at least a year old
I’m just about to name my new podcast. Should I call it a podcast?
What do you mean?
Let’s say it’s called “Cheesamungus!” and is a show about…
You guessed!
Yes, we guessed.
Anyway. Should I call it “Cheeseamungus?” Or should I call it “The Cheeseamungus Podcast”?
You mean - should your podcast’s name end with the word “Podcast”?
Yes, that’s what I’m asking.
What’s the best name for your podcast if you want it to be easily searchable?
Yes, that’s it.
Should your podcast say it’s a podcast, in other words?
Are you just asking the same question for Google’s SEO?
Stop it. What’s the answer?
No, you absolutely shouldn’t use the word “Podcast” in your podcast name.
Why not?
- People know it’s a podcast. They’re literally in a podcast app. It couldn’t be more obvious what it is.
- Out of 4.2mn podcasts in the Podcast Index in Feb 2024, 700,000 (16%) had the word “Podcast” in the title. If you want to appear high in search results, then you don’t want to use a word that a sixth of all shows use.
- Shorter names and cleaner artwork are always better.
- It really messes up smart speakers.
- Even Apple doesn’t recommend it, according to someone in the Apple Podcasts team at the time.
But how will people know “Cheeseamungus” is a podcast when they see my stickers for it?
Because on your stickers, you’ll say it’s a podcast. And you’ll use the title “The Cheeseamungus Podcast”.
Wait, you told me not to!
Your podcast shouldn’t have the word “Podcast” in its title.
But your website, or your stickers, or your posters, or your billboards, or your advertising on urinals should all -
Are you taking the p-
…should all have the word “Podcast” on them. Because in those places, you need to explain that it is a podcast.
You do not need to explain that it is a podcast in a podcast app. So don’t put the word “Podcast” in your podcast name.
But if you’re marketing it anywhere else, absolutely, promote the fact that it’s a podcast.
Can you give me an example?
Sure. In the UK, there’s a radio station called Magic Radio. Its logo says Magic Radio; its press releases say Magic Radio; its advertising says Magic Radio. But when you tune into it on a radio, it calls itself “Magic”.
Because you’re using a radio?
Thanks for your help.
I’m slightly concerned that you’ve made me up for comic effect when you could have made this article half the length without this fake Q&A mechanic.
You could be right.