How I make... Podcast Gumbo

This article is at least a year old
Microphone: Samson Q2U. When I started to consider making a podcast, I knew I needed a mic. (Say, duh!) I had borrowed a friend’s Blue Yeti. I tried Apple Earbuds. After doing some research, I bought this Samson because it was low-cost and had gotten decent reviews. It was comparable to the Audio-Technica ATR2100 that so many people like. I got mine on sale for $40 which is about half the price of the ATR2100. It has a foam filter and a mini-stand in the kit. Weirdly, I’m trying not to drool over the soon to be released Samson Q9U.
Headphones: Audio-Technica ATH-M30x. First of all, get yourself a real set of headphones. They don’t have to be super-expensive. These are about $70 but someone gave them to me. This is a story I will share at a later time.
Audio Production Facility: My closet. Is it perfect? No. Is it sufficient? You tell me. I bought an InnoGear Microphone Stand boom arm, so the mic is much higher (at mouth height) and I’ve put the laptop higher so I’m in a much more natural sitting position. Plus, I can move my arms around (as much as I can cramped into a closet). Also - sometimes, I use a Maine lakeside instead.
Podcast Hosting: Captivate. Is it the best? I have no idea. It’s relatively new so there’s a risk. The price is decent but certainly far from the cheapest. I could take the safe way out and go with one of the big names. The reason why I chose Captivate? Mark Asquith. End of story. It would take a lengthy post to help you understand why it was important for me to support Mark and his company. Maybe one day I will write that post.
Editing Software: Hindenburg. I trialed so many pieces of software. When I was dabbling a year ago, I even tried using Final Cut Pro 7, which I used as a video editor many years ago. I have looked at Audacity, Reaper, GarageBand. I didn’t trial Adobe Audition because I didn’t want that ongoing monthly cost. Pro Tools and Logic were scratched due to cost. I continued to come back to Hindenburg because, for me, it has a very simple interface that belies its power.
Post Production Plugins: iZotope RX 7 Standard. I have learned to use things like the de-esser, de-plosive, and spectral de-noiser on my beautiful but flawed voice.
- Podcast Gumbo is a short weekly show that recommends other podcasts, based on what National Day it is.