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How to report a pirated podcast

· By James Cridland · 1.4 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Has your podcast been pirated? Has someone copied it without your permission, and is your audio now also on someone else’s podcast feed?

Report it to the podcast host

You’re always best to report a pirated show to the podcast hosting service that it’s on. That way, if successful, the content should disappear from every single podcast app.

To discover the podcast host that the pirate has used, do a search for the pirated podcast on Podnews and you should find a link to the podcast host on that page.

Then, look for a DMCA report contact or form. (While a trademark violation isn’t a DMCA issue, this is still the quickest way to report a show that has violated a trademark too).

Here’s a quick link to DMCA takeown links on some podcast hosting companies:

DMCA takedown pages are quite hard to find on many podcast hosts. You’re welcome to contact us with more addresses.

If you also want to report it to a podcast directory…

With the sometime-exception of Spotify, podcast directories do not host your audio, so really, there’s little point most of the time. Some podcast directories do retain some copies of shows for a while after deletion. But if you get nowhere with the podcast hosting company, then contact directories as below:

Do note, though, that this won’t get you removed from anywhere: just these podcast directories: and because the content isn’t hosted at these podcast directories, they may feel that they don’t need to act.

Podnews’s directory removes shows automatically after they’ve been dead for 14 days.

James Cridland
James Cridland is the Editor of Podnews, a keynote speaker and consultant. He wrote his first podcast RSS feed in January 2005; and also launched the first live radio streaming app for mobile phones in the same year. He's worked in the audio industry since 1989.

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