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30% of podcasts started in January are dead by Feb.
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Captivate are putting a stop to it.


Thousands of podcasts that start in January are dead by February, and we’re doing everything we can to stop it. Claim your free access to Captivate from now until March 2025 today!

The new year always sees a huge rush of new podcasters, and they end up giving up for a few reasons: a) they don’t have the tools to grow; b) they get overwhelmed; and c) January is oversaturated, so it’s harder to get discovered

Starting now instead of in January gives you time to rack up downloads and growth, preventing directory algorithms from grouping you with all the new starters. This makes discovery easier.

We want to help you get your feet under the table and make sure you’ve got free access to the growth and monetization tools that will help you flourish, including:

  • advanced podcast and link analytics
  • feed drops and cross-promotional capabilities
  • memberships, tipping, dynamic ad-insertion

Sign up today for free access until March 2025.

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Podcast News

    Podnews Weekly Review
    Play trailerThe Podnews Weekly Review this week contains interviews with Neil Mody from Headliner and Alberto Betella from - and our Editor, James Cridland, discusses podcasting’s seeming open-armed welcome to YouTube and Spotify, with Sam Sethi. Of all the podcasts we mention here, this one’s obviously the best.
    From Bomb to Ballot: The History of Sinn Féin
    Play trailerA week before the election in Ireland, new podcast From Bomb to Ballot: The History of Sinn Féin tells political party Sinn Féin’s journey from the political wing of the Provisional IRA to the brink of power. John Lee traces Sinn Féin’s evolution from 1969 to the present day - from its roots in the Troubles to its historic 2020 electoral breakthrough, the series chronicles a political narrative that continues to spark intense debate.
    Fifty Words For Snow
    Other cultures have some great words that English doesn’t. “Niksen” is the Dutch word for doing nothing without feeling guilty about it; “Kaputreparium” is German for breaking something while you try to fix it; and “Otsukaresama” is Japanese for a good rest after working hard. Fifty Words For Snow searches out words from other cultures that will make our lives better in some way; and launched earlier this year. Maybe play it to your machatunim?
    Business Dad
    Play trailerSeason 2 of Business Dad, hosted by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, launches with a premiere featuring award-winning filmmaker Ken Burns. They chat about raising daughters passionate about the family business, Ken’s favorite Christmas gift, and family trips to Revolutionary War sites. It’s produced by Realm.

Companies mentioned above:
Apple logoAppleApple Podcasts logoApple PodcastsAustralian Podcast Awards logoAustralian Podcast AwardsCaptivate logoCaptivateDescript logoDescriptGoogle logoGoogleHeadliner logoHeadlinerLemonada Media logoLemonada MediaPodtrac logoPodtracRealm logoRSS.comSiriusXM logoSiriusXMSpotify logoSpotifyTriton Digital logoTriton DigitalYouTube logoYouTube

Podcast data for Nov 22

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
DE flag LANZ & PRECHT (ZDF, Markus Lanz & Richard David Precht)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
DE flag PLOT HOUSE (Lottie & Studio Bummens)

Over the last week, 204,082 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 2.2%). source


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