Owned by: SiriusXM
Latest news
- Aug 21, 2024: Kristin Myers has joined Sounds Profitable as Principal. She previously worked with UTA and Stitcher (and was the first hire at Anchor).
- Jul 29, 2024: And, a year on from its closure, what was the history of the Stitcher app?
- Jun 24, 2024: The Stitcher app closed on Aug 29 last year. Nobody appears to have told its RSS feed checker, though, which is still checking our RSS feed every hour, lonely, on a little server all by itself, that nobody cares for any more...
- Mar 19, 2024: Stars and Stars with Isa is new today from Futuro Studios and SiriusXM's Stitcher Studios; Isa Nakazawa is joined by some of the most talented stars of our time to examine what the planets and stars above reveal about the way the guests walk the world, experience love, and determine their life's purpose. It's the first launch from SiriusXM’s Listen Next initiative to develop diverse audio talent and promote inclusivity in podcasting.
Data credits: Podnews newsletter