In Europe, they’re still investing in podcasts
This article is at least a year old
Podimo has just announced that it has raised €44mn (US $48mn) in funding. Morten Strunge, the CEO, says it will allow the company, which offers subscriptions to a premium podcast platform, to continue growth while orienting it towards profitability.
The effect of iOS 17’s changes in Apple Podcasts could be 30% fewer downloads for your show, according to Libsyn’s Rob Walch, speaking in The Feed. “If shows have over 300 episodes, they could and should expect to see their weekly downloads at the end of November be greater than a 25% drop below where their weekly numbers were in early September.” He adds: “Your audience size did not change. Those numbers? That was extra downloads (from) your back catalog (that) weren’t being listened to. It’s just right sizing your monthly and weekly downloads to what’s more realistic and what’s really happening.”
- Rob also notes that Spotify’s numbers are down, too: a point we also made on Dec 4.
If you wonder how other people are doing with their podcast downloads, our sister publication the Podcast Business Journal has links to over 300 shows who are sharing their download data using OP3.
The Podcast Reader, a printed magazine of podcast transcripts which published its final edition in November, is now to be published digitally by podcast transcript company Fanfare. The new publication will be free, and will launch early next year.
The Spanish-language podcast platform iVoox has published its look back at 2023. iVoox Rewind is available to audiences as a personalised view, and the company has also released a number of statistics from it.
Buzzsprout is sending “Backtrack 2023” to its users, data showing how podcasts on the platform did. The links are shareable, so here is the data for our own Podnews Weekly Review. Unsurprisingly, our trailer is the #1 downloaded episode; and the show is in the top 10% on Buzzsprout, who sponsor the show.
We’ve updated our recommendations for podcast apps to replace Google Podcasts and Stitcher.
Libsyn has published its predictions and wishes for podcasting in 2024.
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Companies mentioned above:
Podcast data for Dec 21
#1 in Apple Podcasts
The Ramsey Show (Ramsey Network)
HjerneRO (Mindcamp)
#1 in Spotify
The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
Over the last week, 196,275 podcasts published at least one new episode (up 14.7%). source