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Sleep from Space : Astronomy for Peaceful Dreams

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Sleep from Space : Astronomy for Peaceful Dreams

A science podcast from Caloroga Shark Media

Welcome to “Sleep from Space,” the podcast that combines the wonders of the cosmos with the soothing power of storytelling to help you drift into peaceful sleep.Every episode is a tranquil journey through space, where we explore the marvels of our universe – from the enigmatic rings of Saturn to the icy surface of Pluto, and beyond. As the night sky unfolds above you, let the serene narrative and gentle ambient sounds guide you through the mysteries and beauty of space. Each story is meticulously crafted to be engaging and informative, yet calming and sleep-inducing.With “Sleep from Space,” you’ll not only learn about the stars and planets but also find a peaceful escape from the day’s hustle.Perfect for space enthusiasts, dreamers, or anyone looking for a unique way to unwind at the end of the day.Join us on this celestial voyage, where the mysteries of the universe become the backdrop of your dreams."Sleep from Space" – where every night is a journey through the stars.We’ll journey “Beyond Pluto” to unveil the secrets of the Kuiper Belt, followed by our exploration of “Ceres,” the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt,“What is a Leap Year,” unravels the cosmic calendar adjustments, and on February 15, 2024, witness “The Great American Solar Eclipse of 2024,” a cosmic spectacle like no other.But that’s not all! Our episodes also include “Lunar New Year’s Celestial Celebration: Year of the Dragon,” “Fall asleep with Pluto,” “Fall asleep with Mars,” “Fall asleep with Venus,” “Fall asleep with Mercury,” and “Fall Asleep with The Wolf Moon and January’s Celestial Events,” among others.From the majestic beauty of the planets to the celestial events that shape our world, each episode of “Sleep from Space” is designed to transport you to a place of tranquility and relaxation. So close your eyes, listen to the soothing sounds of the cosmos, and let your mind drift off into the depths of space. Follow and let the universe lull you into restful slumber. Portions of this podcast were created with the assistance of AI,

© Caloroga Shark Media · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
Caloroga Shark Media
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