Creators: what do you think of the big podcast platforms?
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Someone diving into a television set for some reason
Yahor Urbanovich

Joe Rogan dives back into YouTube

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Moves and hires

  • Amazon Music has hired Shea Simpson to the new role of Head of Podcast Business. He will be overseeing all aspects of the podcast business globally for Amazon Music, including podcast programming, partnerships, and marketing. He moves from Wondery.

Tips and tricks - with Memberful

The Tech Stuff - with

  • Which sounds better - M4A (AAC) or MP3? Bandrew Scott does some analysis. Almost every podcast player does M4A (AAC). Spotify - which didn’t for some time - now does.

    • For the longest time, the Podnews Daily was only available as an M4A file. Should we revert back? Hmm.
  • Webhooks are coming to Helipad, according to Dave Jones on the Podcasting 2.0 podcast. This should mean that, for example, podcasters would be able to easily and quickly convert ‘boosts’ to emails, or even to flash a light or change a studio monitor’s display.

Podcast News - with Airwave

    Motley Fool Money
    From Airwave: Motley Fool Money is a daily podcast from The Motley Fool, looking at the day’s top business news and financial headlines; and you get investment classes over the weekend. Making the world smarter, happier, and richer, The Motley Fool has been helping people understand investments since 1995.
    Play trailerHR BESTIES has joined AdLarge. HR Besties is hosted by the three human resources experts who are behind some of social media’s most popular HR accounts.
    Imaginary Advice
    Imaginary Advice releases its one hundredth edition today. The show began in October 2014 with British playwright Ross Sutherland recording each episode whilst sitting in the bottom of his wardrobe. Since then, the podcast has picked up a British Podcast Award and has been included on end-of-year lists for Vulture and IndieWire. The episode is a clip show of the best bits - or is it?
    Beyond All Repair
    Beyond All Repair tells the story of a woman named Sophia who was accused of killing her mother-in-law when she was 23 years old and 6 months pregnant. Sophia swears she didn’t commit the murder, but someone says they witnessed it: her own brother. New from WBUR, we’re promised that this podcast ends with an answer.
    SHE MD
    Play trailerWomen’s health advocacy podcast SHE MD has been launched by Dear Media. SHE stands for “Strong, Healthy and Empowered”, and the goal behind SHE MD is to empower women with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their own health.

Companies mentioned above:
Airwave logoAirwaveAmazon logoAmazonAmazon Music logoAmazon MusicCampside Media logoCampside MediaSiriusXM logoSiriusXMSpotify logoSpotifyVeritonic logoVeritonicWondercraft logoWondercraftWondery logoWonderyYouTube logoYouTube

Podcast data for Mar 11

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
MX flag La Cotorrisa (La Cotorrisa Podcast)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
MX flag Relatos de la Noche (Sonoro | RDLN)

Over the last week, 213,271 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 0.1%). source

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