Winners of The Signal Awards

A new manager for The Signal Awards

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Thank you to POW PR, the UK’s first and only podcast PR agency, for becoming our latest supporter. The company has launched multiple No.1 podcasts in both the UK and category charts and worked on a multitude of award-winning podcasts and productions. Supporters are very valuable to us (and you get a logo in every edition): here’s where to support us

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  • Want live captions while you’re chatting to someone on Squadcast, Riverside, Cleanfeed or Streamyard? Chrome has live captions built-in: you just have to turn them on.

Podcast News

    Health Hacks with Mark Hyman, M.D.
    Play trailerHealth Hacks with Mark Hyman, M.D. is new today from PAVE Studios and OpenMind. The show will deliver science-backed facts, break down myths and misinformation, and provide you with the tools you need to live a longer, healthier life.
    #1 Dad
    Play trailer#1 Dad launched yesterday from iHeartMedia and Will Ferrell’s Big Money Players Network. The 10-episode limited series follows the hilarious and heartfelt true story of comedian Gary Vider and his #1 Dad, Manny Vider, a con man, whose schemes and lies span over 4 decades.

Companies mentioned above:
Amplitude Media Partners (AMP) logoAmplitude Media Partners (AMP)Audacy logoAudacyiHeartMedia logoiHeartMediaPodMatch logoPodMatchRiverside logoRiversideThe New York Times logoThe New York TimesThe Signal Awards logoThe Signal AwardsTrue Native Media logoTrue Native Media

Podcast data for Jun 11

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra (Rachel Maddow, MSNBC)
GB flag Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley (BBC Radio 4)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
GB flag The Rest Is Football (Goalhanger Podcasts)

Over the last week, 197,904 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 2.1%). source

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