Grace Saves All: Christianity and Universal Salvation

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Grace Saves All: Christianity and Universal Salvation

 4.9 via 228 ratings in Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Podcast Addict
Data: Rephonic
A religion & spirituality podcast from David Artman

This podcast is about Christian Universalism — a spirituality which exists at the intersection of Christianity and Universal Salvation. This ancient Christian theology was advocated by prominent Christian leaders in the early centuries of the faith, and it is now enjoying a modern revival. It understands grace to be the effective saving presence of God in the lives of all people, and it anticipates that all persons will finally experience union with God. David Artman, host of the podcast, is the author of Grace Saves All: The Necessity of Christian Universalism. He is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and holds Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Brite Divinity School at TCU in Ft. Worth, TX. (Photograph by Beth Crenshaw)

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