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We Are Carbon

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We Are Carbon

 5.0 via 3 ratings in Apple Podcasts and Podchaser
Data: Rephonic
A science podcast from Helen Fisher

We Are Carbon is the interview show that helps us to recognise that the future of both our planet and our societies can be incredibly beautiful - and that we all play a role in getting there!

Hosted by Helen Fisher with guests joining from across the globe.

There’s a new episode every other Tuesday, and they’ll average 1 hr long.

We see endless headlines warning us of the horrific impact that we’re having on the climate and how dire the outlook is, but we’re going to re-frame this crisis and start putting the solutions into our own hands.

I’m inviting in voices from science, agriculture, business and more, to help us gain an understanding of how we might live in greater harmony with the world around us. How we can build a society where our everyday choices have a positive impact on regenerating and stabilising the planet that we depend upon. Because when the planet and nature are thriving; that’s when we can thrive! That’s when we can live in a world less focused on fear and restrictions.

I don’t think that real solutions are ever found until we zoom out, see the full picture and recognise how it all connects together.

We can’t view climate change as an isolated issue. Our health, our food security, stability of economies and the way we interact with one another, they’re are all tied in.

The topics can seem expansive, so we’re using carbon as a focus.

We’re exploring some important, and at times complex subjects here. But the whole point is to make this info accessible and transparent to us all.

So let me know if there’s ever anything that you’d like breaking down or exploring further. Or if there’s related topics that you feel should be discussed. Reach out and let’s keep this project expanding!

And if you’re a visual learner, look out for the animations! I’m creating short digestible videos to illustrate some of the key concepts that we’re exploring. Find them at

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Let’s keep figuring this all out together!

© 2024 Helen Fisher · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
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