Flutter Explained
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Flutter Explained

Welcome to my Flutter - Development Channel my name is Max and was formerly mostly on YouTube as Flutter Explained and I am searching for a new home for all my Flutter and Technical Tutorials. This was the moment when Technix came alive here on PeerTube. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. In the year 2019, Max started with an ambitious goal to set up a youtube account, create content and writing apps. In February 2020, began Max with #30Days30Videos challenge and produced our first Videos for Flutter. Later on, Mahtab joined him on this fantastic journey, and now we are working together to create more and more content all relating to Flutter. Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#flutter-explained:tchncs.de Max’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/flutterexp Mahtab’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mahtab_dev

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