Despachados Podcasts
Ser Despachado é se sentir desafiado frente a um caminho inexplorado. É não se assustar frente ao desconhecido e, acima de tudo, é jamais se contentar com a mesmice. Nós acreditamos que o mundo é muito grande para limitarmos nossa visão ao próprio quintal, pois acreditamos que para ver o mundo não é preciso muito. Nossa receita? Uma dose de coragem, um tablete de espírito desbravador, duas colheres de conteúdo de qualidade e um punhado de bom humor.
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Artwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedureListen and follow
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Information for podcasters
- Podcast GUID:
- This podcast doesn’t have a trailer. Apple Podcasts has a specific episode type for a trailer, which also gets used by many other podcast apps: but there isn’t one correctly marked in the RSS feed from the host.
- Podcast episode titles may include episode numbers, which is against Apple Podcasts guidelines and makes it harder to listen to your podcast on smart speakers. Here is what Apple wants to do, and why.
- This podcast’s RSS feed does not link to any website. Valid homepage links are required by Apple Podcasts.
- This podcast appears to be missing from iVoox. We list all the podcast directories to be in.
- See this podcast’s listener numbers, contact details and more at Rephonic
- Validate this podcast’s RSS feed with Livewire, Truefans or CastFeedValidator
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