Website: podverse.fm
Latest news
- Mar 12, 2024: Embedded players by Podverse, Podfriend and JustCast are being excluded from OP3 stats after downloading audio when the page is loaded, rather than when the listener presses play.
- Feb 1, 2024: Development of podcast app Podverse is “overwhelming”, says its founder Mitch Downey. Suffering from burnout after too many unpaid 10-hour days, he’s calling for an increase in open source contributors.
- Jan 8, 2024: Modern podcast app Podverse is so popular, some scammers have worked out how to get free access to the premium version and are selling it to unsuspecting users.
- Nov 27, 2023: Good news: While Acast says it's coming soon, Google has already enabled OPML exports from Google Podcasts, so you can take your subscriptions out of the app and switch to a new podcast app. AntennaPod, Pocket Casts, Podverse's mobile app, or Fountain are among those that support OPML imports. Bad news: it's only currently available in the rather geeky Google Takeout service.
- Aug 7, 2023: Our Editor wanted to try a music show to understand how it all works. Here's the show - listen on Podverse, Fountain or Podfans to support the artists.
Data credits: Podnews newsletter