Address: 7643 Gate Pkwy ste 104 30, Jacksonville, FL 32256, USA
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Website: podpros.com
Latest news
- Jan 4, 2024: PodPros has published the Actively Established Podcast Report for January 2023. Alex Sanfilippo tells Podnews the data says that: “Starting a podcast during November for the first time drastically decreases your chances of success. Starting within eight weeks of the holidays means podcasters don't have time to create a rhythm, systems or automations before taking a break.” The data also says that there are 310,000 fewer active podcasts than there were in 2020.
- Nov 9, 2023: PodPros has shared this month's actively established podcast report. The number of podcasters who make it to 8 episodes increased from 45.5% to 48.6% - which, Alex Sanfilippo says to Podnews, represents more than 6,400 additional independent podcasters making it to eight episodes or more.
- Oct 5, 2023: The PodPros Actively Established Podcast Report has been updated for October. It reports more active shows. Captivate is the new #1 ranked podcast host.
- Sep 19, 2023: Data: PodPros released its Actively Established Podcast Report for September. The report pulls in a number of data points for the industry, including industry download averages and a scoring of hosting providers.
- May 31, 2022: At Podfest, the PodPros Podcast Awards were launched, celebrating podcasters who've reached 100, 200 or 300 episodes. (Is there one for reaching episode 1,307?)
Data credits: Google Maps, Podnews newsletter