Player FM
Player FM or PlayerFM is a podcast discovery and cataloguing service which lists podcasts hosted across different podcast publishing sites. It was created by software designer Michael Mahemoff in 2011. The service was acquired by Maple Media, a mobile media company, in May 2020 for an undisclosed amount. Wikipedia
Owned by: Maple Media
Latest news
- Jul 9, 2024: Player FM has launched a self-serve advertising portal for creators. Pricing starts at $250 for 35,000 impressions ($7.14 CPM).
- May 9, 2022: Podbean has added single-click submission to iHeartRadio, Player FM and Samsung Free. (We list all the podcast directories, and submission details).
- Feb 1, 2022: Link to the Breaker podcast app on your website? Check they still work. The app was acquired by Maple Media a year ago; as of today, no Breaker links to podcasts work on the service, and the Breaker website forwards to Player FM. The app's still listed in the app stores, though; it now appears to be a blue-skinned version of the Player FM app.
- Sep 13, 2021: Exclusive: Popular podcast app Player FM has undergone a redesign, incorporating more prominent access to video podcasts, larger podcast cover art, and playlist creation. We asked the Player FM team what they'd done, and how podcasters can help.
- Mar 5, 2021: Podcast app Player FM has announced a partnership with podcast host Podomatic, for a simple one-click submission for their directory. (Here's all the directories you should be in).
Data credits: Podnews newsletter, Wikipedia