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An Apple iPhone showing a closeup of a button marked follow

iOS 16.2 brings a change to Apple Podcasts

Listen · · Updated · 3.4 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • A small but important UX change in Apple Podcasts comes with the release of iOS 16.2 and iPadOS 16.2 this week: the “+” button is now clearly marked “+ Follow”.

    • Spotify also uses “follow”; so between them, more than two-thirds of podcasts are already consumed using a service that uses the phrase “follow”. Listeners follow shows to add them to their Library, receive new episodes, and be notified when they’re available. They can subscribe to support their favorite shows and unlock premium audio experiences.
    • Time to check our calls-to-action? And: should we be asking other podcast apps to “follow” suit?
  • Should your podcast take a break for the holidays? At Bumper, Dan Misener looked at release data and consumption data to discover what really happens.

  • Rusty Quill has published a long article tackling allegations made in an opinion piece that we covered yesterday by Newt Schottelkotte, which the company calls “unprofessional misinformation”.

Moves and hires

Podcast News - with Campaign Legal Center

    Buzzcast, Buzzsprout’s own podcast, tried a new email marketing strategy that grew Buzzcast downloads by over 40%. In today’s episode they break down exactly what they did to boost their numbers and how they’re tracking if these downloads turn into new followers.
    Table for Two
    Play trailerFrom iHeartMedia, Table for Two is hosted by celebrity restauranteur Bruce Bozzi. He’s joined by some of his customers - Hollywood’s biggest stars. The first episode features Scarlett Johansson. It’s co-produced by AirMail.
    The Journal.
    The Journal., a podcast from the Wall Street Journal and Gimlet, has premiered the special miniseries “Uncontrolled Substances: The Cerebral Story” - examining the story of how a buzzy Silicon Valley start-up, Cerebral, tried to fix the mental healthcare industry and how it spun out of control. A four-episode miniseries, it comes out weekly every Friday.
    Changemakers In Autism
    Changemakers In Autism returns for a second season. The podcast, from the non-profit REED Autism Services, introduces listeners to the thought leaders raising awareness of the most pressing issues in the autism community. The first episode this season features filmmakers and co-producers Caren Zucker and John Donvan for an in-depth discussion on history’s portrayal of autism and their groundbreaking documentary, “In a Different Key."

Companies mentioned above:
Acast logoAcastApple logoAppleApple Podcasts logoApple PodcastsBumper logoBumperGimlet logoGimletiHeartMedia logoiHeartMediaiVoox logoiVooxLiSTNR logoLiSTNRMamamia logoMamamiaNPR logoNPRPodchaser logoPodchaserQuill logoQuillSpotify logoSpotify

Podcast data for Dec 14

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag Undetermined (Tenderfoot TV, Resonate Recordings & Cadence13)
AU flag Proof: A True Crime Podcast (Red Marble Media)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
AU flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)

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