'Stuff' rises to #2 in Podtrac chart, and a positive podcast for prisoners
This article is at least a year old
Podtrac have published their top 20 US podcasts for August 2019. Based on US unique audience, iHeart’s Stuff You Should Know rises to #2. Here’s what else you need to know today: The Daily remains #1. (The data is opt-in, and all publishers don’t take part; here’s more on podcast stats).
Aug 17 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
How well will your audio ad work? Veritonic claims they’ve developed a scoring standard, to apparently predict whether it’ll be effective or not.
Aug 17 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
70 Million is looking for pitches for their next season about criminal justice reform. You’ve got until November 1st.
The Video Show in Washington DC, USA on Dec 4-5, is covering podcasting this year in a track called The Podcasting Studio. They have opened a call for speakers.
Speaking in a conference in Argentina, Fernando Subirats from Radio Nacional said that podcasts have helped the station attract a new, younger, audience. (via VíaPodcast)
Vivid, in private beta, produces “automatic podcast teasers for your podcast”.
Jordan Harbinger speaks to the Digital Innovators’ Summit about how to build and maintain an audience. Meanwhile, Cathy Pearl writes how to be a good podcast guest, as does Bradley Metrock for EContent.
Podcast Revenue
Podcast host RedCircle has unveiled new monetisation options - exclusive content and monthly donations. Their monthly donations product joins a one-off tipping service which they launched earlier in the year.
Podfund have announced three new investments: DIVE Studios, Domino Sound, and Osiris Podcasts. They will be announcing additional investments in the coming weeks; Podfund GM Nicola Korzenko will be speaking at Hearing Voices in NYC this Friday, Werk It in LA next week, and She Podcasts Live the following week.
We’ve updated our popular article on understanding podcast stats, with more detail about Apple charts and some updates. Feedback is, as ever, welcome. Recognising Spotify’s growing traffic, we also have added their badge as a permanent, top-level listening option in our podcast pages, and fixed podcast names with accents and emojis appearing in our player and in podcast descriptions. Talk to us about UTF-8, we’re all ears.

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