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Podcast Alarm allows you to wake up to something different

Podcast Alarm allows you to wake up to something different

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This article is at least a year old

  • A new podcast app with a difference: Podcast Alarm claims it’s “the only podcast alarm app on iOS”. “With Podcast Alarm you can select whatever kind of podcast you’re into as your morning alarm. Instead of hitting snooze, dozing off again and feeling worse, you can actually listen to something interesting.” It’s $1.99, iOS only. (You could wake up to our podcast maybe.)

  • Deezer is coming after Spotify, and has substantially strengthened its podcast offering, partnering with Libsyn, Ausha, Podomatic, Blubrry and Simplecast in addition to Audioboom and Spreaker. Podcasters on those platforms will find automated submission tools; though you can add a podcast to Deezer from any platform. It reports a 250% increase in podcast usage on its platform over the last two years.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 17 2023
  • One Voice, One Mic is a new short documentary about podcasting from Ben Gummery, and was released yesterday. It’s available on Amazon Prime Video - USA, UK, global - and coming soon to Vimeo. “It takes an upbeat yet honest look at the rise of podcasting as well as examining the state of the medium; considering whether podcasts are becoming over-saturated and demystifying how the monetisation of podcasts actually works in practice; with a particular focus on the UK podcasting scene.”


    Six Cold Feet
    Play trailerFiction podcast Six Cold Feet returns for its second season with a party on October 10 in its home town of Brisbane QLD, Australia. Part of an upcoming episode will be recorded at the event. (Podbean)
    The NPR Politics Podcast
    The NPR Politics podcast is now a daily podcast, released every weekday afternoon. It’s the biggest politics podcast in the world, according to Podtrac.
    No longer Anything but Footy
    Anything But Footy Flash Briefing is available on Alexa as well as via podcast: it’s a daily round-up of two minutes from the World Athletics Championships in Doha, Qatar, from John Cushing and Michael Weadock. (Spreaker)

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