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Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts begins 'scaling back up'

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This article is at least a year old

  • Good news - cross-platform podcast app Pocket Casts is “scaling back up”, the company posts in an update. In a comment perhaps aimed at the buggy Apple Podcasts, they’ve revealed that the first thing they’re working on is “how quickly you get new episodes after a podcast author publishes them”. They’re also working on app translations; Emmeline Berry is rejoining the team as Content Curator and Podcaster Liaison.

    This link is no longer available, as at Sep 6 2023
  • Why did Amazon get into podcasting? For a share of its growing ad revenue, according to an interview with Steve Boom, the head of Amazon Music, in Bloomberg Businessweek.

  • Paid podcast subscriptions have helped The Tommy, Hector and Laurita Podcast see an increase of 59% in their monthly revenue, according to data shared by Acast today.

    • Acast has also described Triton Digital’s Podcast Ranker as “a pretty average buying tool”: Guy Scott-Wilson was commenting in an Australian interview. Acast doesn’t participate in it.

Tips and tricks

  • Evo Terra is trying a system that should boost the listening audience of Podcast Pontifications to 10,000 listeners: but he doesn’t think it’ll work. He appears to have called Tanner Campbell’s bluff. Tanner’s system involves spending $5 a day on Facebook ads. Tanner says: “In one year I won’t promise the audience size will be 10,000, but I will promise that it’s significantly higher than the existing audience size.” 🍿

  • Niki Kottmann writes 7 Podcast Automation Tips That Will Save You Time. (We think we’ve automated uploads to YouTube for our podcast today.)

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