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Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson has a new podcast

Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson has a new podcast

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This article is at least a year old

  • Run to the hills! Run for your lives! Psycho Schizo Espresso is a brand new podcast from Oxford University psychologist and author Dr Kevin Dutton and Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson. The first epsiode, unraveling 666, the number of the beast, is now available; it’s produced by Pod Prod.

  • You’re one in a billion - new data available by subscription from Omdia suggests that this year the number of global monthly podcast listeners will reach 1 billion people for the first time. Global podcast ad revenue for 2021 will be $1.9 billion.

  • Podcast host Captivate has unveiled AMIE, its “audio monetization and integration engine”. The dynamic content insertion system allows pre, post and midroll slots to be added, as well as an “ad-painter”, to help paint out older, baked-in ads to replace with dynamic content. The tool is released to all Captivate podcasters on Nov 16. (Podnews’s Editor is an advisor).

Feliz Día de los Muertos, and Happy Diwali! A reminder that Podnews doesn’t do daylight savings, so if your clocks went forward a few weeks ago (hello, Sydney and Melbourne), went back on Sunday (hello, Europe) or will go back soon (hello, USA and much of Canada), Podnews will shift in time accordingly.

The Tech Stuff - with RSS․com

  • Careful of emails like this one from Facebook - this is from a random website in India wanting to add our podcast to their Facebook Page.

  • The Podcast Index team has been working on cross-app comments, allowing podcast listeners to comment on podcast episodes, and view others’ comments, across a number of different apps. The tool uses open, non-centralised technologies. You can join in the conversation on their Mastodon website.

  • Per-word SRT files can help things like clipping tools. It’s possible, but expensive, to do that with tools like Amazon Transcribe: our Editor went playing with their tools to work out how.

  • Boostagrams this week include an anonymous one saying “Maybe Facebook UA misattribution to Apple will finally be the catalyst to fix this issue.” (2112 using Breez), and Dave Jones saying “Love the show James. It’s my every morning listen and the first boost of the day. 😊 Must see tv.” - 2161 sats using Castamatic. You can send boostagrams and support your favourite podcasts with value4value-enabled apps like Fountain.

Tips and tricks

Podcast News - with AdLarge Media

    The History of WWII Podcast
    Presented by AdLarge Media: The History of World War II by Ray Harris, Jr. History buffs rejoice! The History of WWII is a podcast covering the last world war in intimate detail. Host and historian Ray Harris Jr. has been obsessed with all of the elements of WWII since his days at James Madison University. He eagerly shares that passion and deep knowledge with his listeners every week.
    Country Heat Weekly
    Play trailerAmazon has announced Country Heat Weekly, a show that “bring’s Amazon Music’s Country Heat playlist to life”. Digiday calls their strategy haphazard and sprawling.
    Crypto Savvy: The Essentials
    Play trailerCrypto Savvy is a new podcast released by a digital asset financial services company in Asia, HashKey Group. The podcast aims to demystify the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and analyse new investment opportunities. Two episodes are released today; it’s produced by Create.
    Today, Explained
    Play trailerVox Audio podcasts are teaming up to tell the story of the future of work, after the recent dramatic changes to how workplaces work. Shows like Today, Explained kicked off the eight episode series on Friday.

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