A bedtime playlist (that won’t send you to sleep)
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A bedtime playlist (that won’t send you to sleep)

A podcast from Radiotopia
Website: http://podcasts.radiopublic.com/

I produce SleepTalker, ‘the podcast about sleep, dreams, nightmares and what happens in your head after dark’. In the show, I interview people about the idiosyncrasies of their sleeping patterns (and, well, pretty much anything that can happen after we turn out the lights).

There have been some great podcast episodes and radio stories about the science of sleep, but that’s not my focus here (or with my podcast). Instead, I want to look at what it feels like to sleep - as well as the frustrations of trying to - so here’s a collection of audio stories that look at what it feels like when we drift.

In this playlist, you’ll find stories about sleep, dreams, nightmares and staying up late. Some of these might calm you down or lead to pleasant dreams, some might wake you with a start or lure you into nightmare.

Bec Fary is a freelance podcast producer from Victoria, Australia. She makes SleepTalker, and has produced for Better Off Dead, The Messenger, the Dumbo Feather Podcast and All the Best. She also teaches radio making skills at SYN Media.

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