The Intrepid Traveler

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The Intrepid Traveler

A society & culture podcast from Robin Cline
Uses Podcasting 2.0 features
Includes transcripts

The Intrepid Traveler is pulling back the curtain to reveal how some of the most extraordinary travel adventures are planned. Champagne toast at a secret destination in the Indian Ocean? An overnight in a Dark Sky Reserve in Africa on a night the Southern Cross is shining brightly? These are just two of the epic tailor-made travel adventures expert travel advisors can plan for their clients. But how do they plan these luxury retreats? And what other thrilling travel itineraries do they have up their sleeves? Robin Cline, owner of luxury travel agency Cline and Co Travel Consulting, is an expert at planning “ungoogleable” experiences for her clients - having traveled extensively to all the corners of the world her connections, relationships and experience make planning those once in a lifetime travels a joy and a pleasure. Each 30-minute episode features a special guest, each an expert in finding one-of-a-kind custom travel and vacation planning experiences around the world. Episodes will be released bi-weekly. Be sure to subscribe, so you don’t miss an episode!

© 2024 The Intrepid Traveler · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
Hosted on Buzzsprout

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