Radio Ligevægt
A fitness podcast in Danish from Rasmus Køster-Rasmussen
De to læger Rasmus Køster-Rasmussen og Christian Vøhtz tager dig med på en rejse ind i vægtens verden som vender op og ned på det du tror du ved om vægt, kost og sundhed. Vægtfokus og udskamning af folk med højt BMI er en alvorlig trussel mod den mentale sundhed.
Radio Ligevægt er vidensbaseret og målrettet sundhedsprofessionelle, beslutningstagere og folk med særlig interesse for vægt.
© 2024 Radio Ligevægt · more info
Artwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedureHosted on Buzzsprout
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Information for podcasters
- Podcast GUID:
- This podcast doesn’t have a trailer. Apple Podcasts has a specific episode type for a trailer, which also gets used by many other podcast apps: but there isn’t one correctly marked in the RSS feed from Buzzsprout.
- Podcast episode titles may include episode numbers, which is against Apple Podcasts guidelines and makes it harder to listen to your podcast on smart speakers. Here is what Apple wants to do, and why.
- This podcast appears to be missing from iVoox, Luminary, and iHeartRadio. We list all the podcast directories to be in.
- See this podcast’s listener numbers, contact details and more at Rephonic
- Validate this podcast’s RSS feed with Livewire, Truefans or CastFeedValidator
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