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The Sisters

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The Sisters

A fiction podcast from Realm

A story of the paranormal and the occult, inspired by true events…

Starring: Mae Whitman, Helen Baxendale, David Morrissey and Miles Heizer.

In the small town of Hexham, England, in the middle of the afternoon of June 13th, 1957, two little girls named Maud and Mary Pollard are hit by a car and killed. Their grief-stricken parents, Thomas and Frances are sucked into a spiral of despair. They begin attending church twice a day, praying for some relief from their pain.

When God doesn’t answer, Thomas is persuaded by business associate Mark Whitney to try the dark arts of the occult. Within no time good things start to happen; Thomas’s work situation improves, they can afford to move home, a new start in life… and Frances is pregnant again with twin girls.

Nine months later Jacky and Jill are born. They look exactly like their deceased siblings. The same scars, the same birthmarks. And that was just the beginning.

By age 4, Jacky and Jill are able to correctly name the dolls and stuffed animals that belonged to their dead sisters. The twins even have recurring nightmares of being run over by a car… Could Francis dare to dream that Jacky and Jill were the reincarnations of her beloved Maud and Mary?

And then Mark Whitney comes back into their lives: they had sought the Devil’s help in their time of need, now the time has come for the debt to be repaid…

Fast-forward to present-day Philadelphia: museum curator Frankie Bradshaw, receives an anonymous gift that pulls her into a waking nightmare that involves cults, conspiracies…and the truth about her own family history.

THE SISTERS is a Realm Original produced by Goldhawk Productions in association with Lights Out Audio. Created by Brett Neichin and Written by Brett Neichin, John Scott Dryden and Mac Rogers. Director and Executive Producer is John Scott Dryden.


The Sisters:

Maud/Jill, Orla McDonagh

Mary/Jacky, Lacey Findlow

Philadelphia, USA:

Frankie, Mae Whitman

Duncan, Miles Heizer

Este, Carin Chea

Beniel, Theo Ogundipe

Gordon, Eric Sirakian

Kari, Jennifer Armour

Sheriff Paterson, Nathan Osgood

Andy, Eric Meyers

Detective Sal, Lola Wayne

Hexham, England:

Frances, Helen Baxendale

Thomas, Lee Ingleby

Psychiatrist, David Holt

Mark, David Morrissey

Vincent, Rob Jarvis

Father Tim, David Holt

Nancy, Ramanique Ahluwalia

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