Great Dad Talks
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Great Dad Talks

 5.0 via 1 rating in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A culture podcast from Paul Banas

Great Dad Talks is a series of conversations with experts on all aspects of the family adventure. With the perspective that “dads don’t always think like moms,” our mission is to support dad voices and our slightly different approaches to parenting. We’ll try to find solutions to every day challenges like getting kids off the couch and making STEM classes available for both boys and girls. But we’ll also tackle bigger issues when they come. The one main theme will be to support dads in the most important role of their lives that of being a great dad. Connect with us at and watch the video version of these podcasts at

© 2023 Paul Banas · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure

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