What I Wish I Knew After Pregnancy Loss

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What I Wish I Knew After Pregnancy Loss

Welcome to the What I Wish I Knew After Pregnancy Loss Podcast! On this podcast, you will find support and encouragement for pregnancy loss at all stages, whether you were early in your pregnancy or experienced a stillbirth. You are safe, seen, and deeply understood here.Hi, I’m Sharna, I am a loss mum myself and a mum to a beautiful rainbow baby. I am a projector in human design which means I am here to guide you to a new way of being, thinking, or healing. I know what it is like to personally live through the soul shattering experience of pregnancy loss. Out of my healing, I became a Trauma Informed Coach, Self-healing spiral practitioner and a womb light practitioner. I knew that my experience wasn’t the end of my story and I am here to show you that it isn’t the end of yours. You don’t have to ever find meaning in your loss but there is meaning in your life after loss & you deserve to heal.On this podcast, you will find what I wish I knew before my pregnancy loss, guest experts expanding on important topics, and overall valuable information about pregnancy loss and healing and recovery after.I would love to connect further with you on my Instagram: @instituteofhealing_pl or @sharnasouthan and you can also find out more information about The Pregnancy Loss Practitioner Certification here: https://www.sharnasouthan.com/healing-through-loss-blueprint.

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