Growth Against the Grain, Christian Moms, Kingdom Entrepreneur, Christian Entrepreneur, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family

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Growth Against the Grain, Christian Moms, Kingdom Entrepreneur, Christian Entrepreneur, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family

 4.8 via 107 ratings in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A religion & spirituality and kids & family podcast from Michelle Castro, Christian, Biblical Mindset, Kingdom Woman, Christian Marriage, Christian Parenting, Biblical Mindset, Christian Mindset, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian Living, married sex, christian intimacy

Hey there friend!
I’m BACK!!!

Oh man! I’m so incredibly excited to be back with ya’ll! No…I’m not from the south. :)
Born and raised in Southern California and it’s never been more apparent to me how important and essential my relationship with Jesus is! He is my life, my breath, and my everything! Sure…I try to help him out way more than I should, but then I remember HE DOESN’T NEED MY HELP! Talk about a blow to the ego! But that’s what He wants…right? He wants us to remember that we NEED Him for EVERYTHING…every single day!

That’s what we’re talking about here on the podcast.
Marriage, motherhood, and everything in between…it’s hard with Jesus and even harder without him. If you’re here, then I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you’re like me…you find yourself a little too firmly planted in this world and you’re seeking Jesus more and more. You want your marriage, your motherhood, your work, your fun to mean more…you want to make a difference in the little and big moments of the day. You want to seek Jesus in every conversation, in every moment!
Well, if that’s you…then you’re in the right place!
Welcome…I’m Michelle Castro.
Wife to my sweet hubby for nearly 27 years, mama to three daughters here on earth and one sweet son in Heaven. I’m always up to find amazing tacos, grab an iced latte, head to the beach, or hang out at home with the fam watching a movie, eating popcorn, and doing who knows what!

I don’t believe in accidents…so I’m glad you’re here and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store!
xx, Michelle

instagram: @growthagainstthegrainpodcast

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