The Barone Zone
This improvised sitcom follows the continuing adventures of the Barone Boys – Lynbrook University’s hottest new co-eds and the hosts of Long Island’s favorite TV rewatch podcast, “The Barone Zone.” In each episode, Alex, Adam, and Mike careen through a long-form improv scene inspired by an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” carefully sound designed to immerse you in beautiful Lynbrook, New York. At the end, the Barone Boys dissect the source material and rate Ray’s performance on their patented Baronmeter, but remember – it’s not really about the show.
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- Before Feb 2023, this podcast was hosted on Castos.
- Before Jul 2024, this podcast was hosted on Castos.
- This podcast doesn’t have a trailer. Apple Podcasts has a specific episode type for a trailer, which also gets used by many other podcast apps: but there isn’t one correctly marked in the RSS feed from the host.
- This podcast appears to be missing from iVoox and Luminary. We list all the podcast directories to be in.
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