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Keith A.Kelley-Extreme Faith in Jesus Podcast-        We Will Go Ministries
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Keith A.Kelley-Extreme Faith in Jesus Podcast- We Will Go Ministries

 5.0 via 1 rating in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
An education podcast from Keith A.Kelley

WE WILL GO MINISTRIES Motto"On a mission for missions" Vision statement We envision a world in which every person comes to knowledge of Jesus ChristMission StatementGod has assigned us as World Christians to Mobilize and increase evangelism awareness, missionary knowledge within churches and people groups both locally and internationally. To spark energy and passion to reach the unreached people that don’t know Jesus Christ. Objective One: To focus the Christian community on the Evangelistic opportunity, support, and knowledge of the newly saved and persecuted Christians and their families especially in unreached and unengaged parts of the world.Impact StatementOur focus is to mobilize and enhance Christians everywhere to fulfill what Jesus said called “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) without hesitation, doubt, or fear. We Will Go and share the Gospel using information, Scriptures, music, visual and performing arts, connecting with people internationally at churches, events, and conferences to introduce and ignite evangelism to win souls to the kingdom.

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© 2023 Keith A.Kelley-Extreme Faith in Jesus Podcast- We Will Go Ministries · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
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