JMO Radio Show

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JMO Radio Show

 5.0 via 1 rating in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A music podcast from JMO Radio Show

The ‘JMO Radio Show’ hosted by Slim in Las Vegas is rapidly expanding into one of the most engaging music-based radio shows out there. The show has already been attributed as one of the most authentic, transparent, real, raw, and uncut radio shows to have come out of Las Vegas.

The concept of the show brings you nothing but real, live interviews with your favorite music artists, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and everyday people. The JMO Radio Show plays the best of underground Hip Hop and R&B music enriching the musical and creative scope and expanse of the audiences even more. Guests are free to be themselves and express their true opinion because the show allows everyone to get into their zones of comfort as Slim welcomes her guests with open arms and with her vibrant interpersonal skills, paves the way for a non-formal and heart-to-heart, easy conversation. JMO guests play games like “Stop or Go”, “Who you tappin”, “Make MiMi laugh” and “This or that” that further makes the show a fun time for everyone including the audience.

As per Slim, the interviews are her way of giving back to the indie artist community. Originally from Stockton, California, she has been living in Las Vegas for the past 12 years. She says, “I used to be a Rap artist and run my own independent label so I know what’s it like not catching a break in the industry so I try to present many opportunities to artists that take their craft seriously. I’m like that big sister to some people because everything I do is genuine and when the love is real people know.” Her perspective on the industry has led to the birth of this radio show and there has been no looking back since.

Tune into the ‘JMO Radio Show’ every Thursday from 7-8 PM PST. The show is available on the platforms of Live 365, iTunes podcast, Spotify, Mixcloud, Chrome, etc.

Visit the official website of JMO at to Listen Live and learn more about the show.

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