Bag Knapperne
Bag Knapperne er en podcast om danske podcastproducenter. Hvad lytter de til? Hvor henter de inspiration fra? Og hvilke fordele og udfordringer står vi over for i den danske podcastbranche? De spørgsmål og mange andre vil vi stille vores gæster i en hyggelig samtale om den danske podcastbranche. Værterne er Maria Teglkamp og Mie Brandstrup, der selv producerer podcasts og har virksomhederne Lydbilledet og Genlyd.
© 2023 Bag Knapperne · more info
Artwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedureListen and follow
Information for podcasters
- Podcast GUID:
- This podcast doesn’t have a trailer. Apple Podcasts has a specific episode type for a trailer, which also gets used by many other podcast apps: but there isn’t one correctly marked in the RSS feed from the host.
- This podcast has no playable episodes.
- This podcast appears to be missing from Spotify and iHeartRadio. We list all the podcast directories to be in.
- See this podcast’s listener numbers, contact details and more at Rephonic
- Validate this podcast’s RSS feed with Livewire, Truefans or CastFeedValidator
Privacy: The player will download audio directly from the host if you listen. That shares data (like your IP address or details of your device) with them.
Affiliate links: This page links to Apple Podcasts. We may receive a commission for purchases made via those links.
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