Living Blindfully

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Living Blindfully

 4.7 via 126 ratings in Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Podchaser
Data: Rephonic
A news podcast from Jonathan Mosen

Sight is a highly dominant sense. If you have it, naturally you’ll use it for a lot of things. But if you don’t have it, or you don’t have as much sight as you used to, it’s still possible to live a rich, full life. This podcast is all about how it’s done.

We offer tips and tricks for living blindfully, including plenty about the latest accessible technology, but we discuss the barriers too, ranging from attitudinal barriers to accessibility barriers and more.

Hear interviews with movers and shakers in the field, plus plenty from our engaged Living Blindfully community. You’re welcome to join the conversation.

And always remember, with your cane, you’re able.

© 2023 Jonathan Mosen, All rights reserved. · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
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