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Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy
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Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy

 4.1 via 27 ratings in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A health & fitness and kids & family podcast from Adam Shafran and Lee Kantor

Losing Weight is as easy as 1,2,3,4

In order to lose weight you have to do four things. Most people focus only on one or two things, that’s why they fail. Most people focus on either 1) eating right or 2) exercising more.

While those two things are the nuts and bolts to losing weight. There are two other elements that are just as important and without implementing them you are destined to fail. In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off you also must have 3) a support sytem and 4) an accountability system in place.

We discovered the importance of support and accountability during the time we owned a personal training studio. Our clients were able to stay compliant with their eating and exercise programs as long as a trainer was there to support them and keep them accountable. If a client ever left, they inevitably had a difficult time staying compliant and eventually gained the weight they had struggled so desperately to lose right back.

In order to make personal training (which is typically very expensive) more accessible to everyone we developed the Partner Power Weight Loss Program. Partner Power teaches you some of the pyschological dynamics that help trainers support their clients and keep them accountable. Obviously a partner is not a fitness trainer, but they can serve some if not most of the roles a trainer serves in the areas of support and accountability.

Through our live weekly radio show Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy which airs every Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia USA at 7PM EST (this podcast is an on-demand replay of our weekly weight loss radio show in its entirety) as well as our blog and our website we will be teaching our Partner Power weight loss philosophy in order to educate, motivate and support anyone who is interested in losing weight.

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