Casual Ecstasy with Katie Barbaro

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Casual Ecstasy with Katie Barbaro

 5.0 via 10 ratings in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A spirituality podcast from Katie Barbaro

Casual Ecstasy is a podcast where we dive into the deepest truest parts of ourselves in a fun, casual way. Katie Barbaro (life coach, comedian, author, silliness enthusiast) will guide you through a variety of topics, including but not limited to mental health resilience, traveling as a medium of self-discovery, creative expansion, and death with a variety of inspiring guests. Ecstasy guaranteed or your money back!

This podcast was previously called “Showing Up Messy”—a deep dive into the messy parts of the creative process and life, which Katie discussed with guest comedians, musicians and artists while navigating her own fears and blocks in the creative process of making this podcast!

To connect with Katie, you can find her on her website at or on instagram @katiebarb. Thank you for being here!

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