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Spiked Lemonade -T.C Mason

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Spiked Lemonade -T.C Mason

 5.0 via 56 ratings in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A life podcast from TC Mason
Uses Podcasting 2.0 features
Includes transcripts

Do you sometimes question the decisions people make? Or maybe the decisions you’ve made? Well, *CHEERS*, let’s have a glass of lemonade, spiked with a slice of mental health and get into it! Welcome to the Spiked Lemonade Podcast where we explore the underlying psychology behind our interactions and experiences in the world. Host, TC Mason, licensed clinical therapist, brings you empirical studies, mental health tips, inspirational life anecdotes that can help YOU better understand, navigate, and live a more flourishing life. Sit back, peel the skin off the lemon, so we can get to the juice of these situations. Learn, be inspired, empowered, and ignited to understand your complexities and those around you! Are you ready? I hope so! The Lemon has been dropped, so let’s get into it!

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