More Canvas Conversations

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More Canvas Conversations

A business and arts podcast from Pilar Castro-Kiltz

More Canvas Conversations is an interview series with entrepreneurs, educators, creatives, business owners, and managers about the interesting ways they balance work, life, and creativity.

At More Canvas, we believe in bolstering the courage and imagination required to create something. For some, that “something” is a product, body of research, or business. For others, that “something” may be a workplace culture, a coalition of support for a mission, or a piece of art. No matter the outcome, the act of creation is central across industries.

Often, as we innovate and iterate on a creation, we eventually need more canvas—more time, more funding, more people, more attention to detail…the list goes on. Through More Canvas Conversations, Pilar and her guests illuminate how to get more canvas when the current frame doesn’t fit anymore, sharing stories and insights from which we can all learn.

© More Canvas, LLC 2024 · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
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