Broken to Blessed | Anxiety, Depression, Addiction Recovery for Christians, Mental Health Support

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Broken to Blessed | Anxiety, Depression, Addiction Recovery for Christians, Mental Health Support

 5.0 via 12 ratings in Apple Podcasts and Spotify
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A religion & spirituality podcast from Randi Tisdall— Christian Mental Health Support, Addiction Recovery, Self Improvement, Must Love Dogs

Are you just so tired of feeling broken?
Do you want to take a deep breath and KNOW that everything’s going to be ok? That even when you slip, you have something to fall back on?

Listen, I see you, and welcome to the Broken to Blessed Podcast.

Here you’ll find freedom from the negative self talk and painful repetitive cycles, as we shine a light on some of the deepest inner struggles and spiritual battles we face today. My mission is to help you feel whole, confident, joyous, and VICTORIOUS as we build a strong foundation of faith, kick old mindset habits to the curb, and take action for a healthy, happy recovery.

Hi there, I’m Randi. A wife, a mom, and saved by grace. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, and addiction issues since forever. But that whole time, I was trying to deal with my problems the world’s way, looking for answers in all the wrong places. It wasn’t until 2020 that I finally surrendered, gave everything to God and began to build a relationship with him. And y’all, my life did a 180. He gave me a new heart, a new purpose, and a new life. With God, I became new. I became blessed. And even though I’m still on my recovery journey, I know now more than ever that God has my back. It didn’t matter that I was broken. Because I am made whole with HIM. And you can be too.

It’s never too late for us to be redeemed. God has a GOOD plan for each of us, and a path for restoration.

So if you’re ready— to live by faith, find peace, be present, and TRUST where your life is going—then listen up. It’s time to let go of who you think you are and step into who God created you to be. Let’s do this.

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