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What Happens Now?

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What Happens Now?

 5.0 via 19 ratings in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic

Mike Oldham lost his brand new job as an Event Director right at the start of the coronavirus crisis.⁣⁣It lasted less than a day! Despite the obvious challenges that threw up for him and his family, he was determined to turn it into a positive. He decided to start this podcast from his home in SW London, creating a series of interviews in order to share stories of how the crisis was affecting other people - personally and professionally - and how they were coping as the whole world went into lockdown.⁣ ⁣Most importantly, he wanted to focus on the ways in which his guests each plan to emerge from this crisis in a positive way. ⁣⁣If you would like to support the podcast you can do so here (25% of donations go to NHS Charities Together):

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