Project 3to1
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Project 3to1

 5.0 via 1 rating in Apple Podcasts
Data: Rephonic
A film podcast from 3to1 Studios

Project 3to1 is a free monthly video podcast that showcases the talents of the specialists at 3to1 Studios, on in-house productions as well as collaborations with our filmmaker associates. Check it out for a first-hand look at what makes us unique.Over the years our core team members at 3to1 Studios have branched off into many diverse fields of expertise in the media industry, but filmmaking was our starting point and our passion for it still burns brightly. To get things done right, technical chops aren’t enough; you need people who also have a legitimate love of their craft. That’s us in a nutshell, and that’s why we do Project 3to1.

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