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- Sep 23, 2024: If your podcast hosting company doesn’t give you free transcripts, here’s a free tool. Audio editor Hindenburg also produces them, and so does Eddy by Headliner, Descript and Alitu.
- Sep 20, 2024: Two new additions to the Alitu editor include adding silences/pauses with just one click, to help give your words room to breathe... and simple clip exports for creating shareable audio segments. Hosting has been improved too, with transcripts in the feed (using the Podcasting 2.0 feature), and the addition of individual episode artwork.
- May 23, 2024: Libsyn Studio, the company’s online recording tool, has suddenly closed. An email to customers said it was a “difficult decision”. No alternative tool was offered; we’d recommend Podcastle, and other alternatives include Alitu, Riverside and Descript.
- Apr 15, 2024: Production tool Alitu now includes “magic filters” to automatically remove ums, ahs, filler words and long silences. The company says its the result of customer feedback.
- Apr 2, 2024: Alitu has added video calling in its remote recording app. You can see your guest while recording, before sending it through to the Alitu audio cleanup and editor for production. (It’ll record the video soon, too).
Data credits: Podnews newsletter