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Plays on the web double as we work from home

Plays on the web double as we work from home

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This article is at least a year old

Listens to podcasts on embedded web players have almost doubled in recent weeks, as more of us stay home and listen on different devices. So says Germany’s largest podcast host Podigee, which has posted its analysis on the effects of the coronavirus on podcast listening. Podcasts are clearly on the winning side, they say, pointing to an increase of 6% for downloads. (Here are some free embedded players for your website).

Aug 22 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • A new Australian Podcast Ranker has been released. Stuff You Should Know remains the #1 show, which is represented in Australia by ARN’s iHeartPodcast Network Australia. The top 100 podcasts account for 19.1m downloads in total; it doesn’t include the ABC, the country’s largest podcaster.

    • The Australian Podcast Ranker also now includes an all-Australian Top 100 Podcasts list. From The Newsroom, published by Murdoch’s News Corp, is the top Aussie podcast. It’s noted by Joan Warner, the CEO of Commercial Radio Australia, as “a way to further highlight locally-created content and the increasing level of investment that local publishers are putting into local productions and content.”
  • Clever marketing: Double Elvis, who produce Disgraceland and Citizen Critic among others, have made some podcast-themed Zoom backgrounds for those video calls from home.

    Aug 22 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Got ten minutes to spare for the folks at Podcast Movement? They have a survey as they 'work on something new’.

  • Resonate Recordings have announced price reductions for their production services, though some services will take longer.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 22 2023

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