Creators: what do you think of the big podcast platforms?
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Podsights: two ads work better than one

Podsights: two ads work better than one

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This article is at least a year old

Spotify is constantly working on features and creating or buying exclusive content to draw podcast listeners to their platform. For listeners, the features are amazing, but they all have one thing in common: content created is limited to Spotify’s walled garden. Sure, it’s a walled garden with some 300 million active users, but… some would say that’s bad news for the rest of the podcasting industry. - from Sounds Profitable, Bryan Barletta’s podcast adtech weekly, sponsored by Podsights. Go subscribe

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Tips and tricks - with True Crime Reporter from PAR

The Tech Stuff - with RSS․com

  • The Podcast Index has a new website look and feel.
  • Search in The Podcast Index, and other services that use it (like Podnews’s search), now has much better ranking, helping you find the show you’re looking for faster.
  • What useragents are being used for podcast apps? Here’s every single useragent we saw on Friday, matched using the RSS useragent and/or specific feeds for some platforms. 1,412 downloads; 217 unknowns (15%). but no wimping out and using “Google Chrome” as a “platform”…!
  • Our RSS feed contains the new <podcast:transcript> and <podcast:locked> tags from the Podcast Index namespace. We’d encourage more podcast hosts to be involved in these new tags. They’re there for you too!

Podcast News

    Brandwidth On Demand
    Brandwidth On Demand is a podcast that promises to “reboot radio”. The guest in today’s episode is consultant and author Valerie Geller - her tips for powerful radio are just as good for powerful podcasting, too.
    Play trailerSpreek je Nederlands? Luistervink is a podcast in Dutch ”about the possibilities for podcasts and audio on demand for marketing, content and communication”. It’s new from Playbird, a podcast production company from Belgium.
    Engle Fictions : séries audio & fictions sonores
    Play trailerAs You Want focuses on John Burming - qui est un condamné qui attend son heure dans le couloir de la mort de la prison de Huntsville au Texas. Il n’a jamais prononcé le moindre mot, ni durant son arrestation, ni durant son procès, ni durant ces longues semaines qui précèdent la terrible exécution par injection létale. A five-part fiction podcast with an all-star French cast, it launches today.

Companies mentioned above:
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