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Tony Phillips joins Broccoli Content as CCO

Tony Phillips joins Broccoli Content as CCO

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This article is at least a year old

  • Former WNYC Studios VP and Commissioning Editor for the BBC, Tony Phillips has joined London-based audio production company Broccoli Content as their new Chief Creative Officer. He’ll help scale the company, including developing international partnerships.

  • Axios, the three year-old start-up media company, has inked a deal with Pushkin to produce a new daily podcast. A brief announcement says: “Axios will capitalize on its newsroom, its Smart Brevity style - the punchy approach that has made them a leading morning read for their email subscribers for content - and its ad sales team to drive revenue. This partnership will leverage Pushkin’s audio smarts and network to create a must-hear daily tentpole news podcast.” It’s due to launch in summer. They’re hiring for a host, senior producer, associate producer and exec producer.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 22 2023
  • Podfavs is a new website built to help discovery, calling itself “the Rotten Tomatoes of podcasting”. Podcasts are assigned a 'temperature’ using a proprietary algorithm. Podnews is at 77.5°.

  • Remote recording software Zencastr is removing its 8-hour limit for free users until July.

    Aug 22 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • French podcast hosting company Ausha have raised €1.2m (US$1.3m). They plan to expand across Europe. The company has twenty employees.

  • Crate Media have posted a remote podcast recording checklist to keep your quality high.

    Aug 22 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Sounder have spoken to a lot of successful podcasters, and have published 11 creative ways to successfully promote your podcast. Or ten, if you discount the first one - “Go to networking events”…

  • Further to our piece the other day about advertising a podcast, a service called Audry might be helpful, with over 300 shows who are open to cross-collaborating. “We see the need for a trusted environment for these partnerships to take place, that works independently of which hosting provider you work with to host your content,” says CEO & Founder, Eugenio Warglien.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 22 2023
  • The UK radio station Podcast Radio is now broadcasting information about the coronavirus.

  • Finally, if you’re in self-isolation, there’s one thing you absolutely mustn’t do, according to this satire site. Too late!

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