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Spotify launches in Russia, and launches podcast charts

Spotify launches in Russia, and launches podcast charts

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This article is at least a year old

  • First look: Podpage has released a free tier of their website service. “This free tier should be perfect for podcasters who want a more fully featured website than their podcast host, but don’t care about using their own domain name.” Here’s an example of a free website using the service.

    Aug 25 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • BMG, a record label and publisher, is now offering podcasts as a new service to its artists, through what’s described as a “new podcast business named Storyglass”. That business was launched in late 2018.

  • OneFinePlay posted a job ad for a Podcast Producer recently, and got 350 applications. What they learnt from the process was interesting: “only 50 of the 288 total candidates had ever been involved in the making of a podcast”. (Should have advertised in Podjobs!)

  • Megaphone has passed two independent audits about security and effective controls.

  • Google Podcasts has changed its error page on the web recently. We used to scrape for <title>Error 404 to programmatically see if the podcast wasn’t available; now, try scraping for ">This podcast is not available, including the closing portion of the HTML tag. We’ve updated our Google Podcasts FAQ.

Tips and tricks - with Podcorn

Podcast News

    The Feed The Official Libsyn Podcast
    Edison Research’s Tom Webster is on The Feed, the official Libsyn podcast. He focuses on the Latino Podcast Listener Report. The episode also includes average downloads stats: if your podcast is doing more than 120 downloads per episode, you’re doing better than half the shows out there, says Libsyn VP Rob Walch.
    Mind Canyon
    Ever done a podcast where you’ve no idea what you’re talking about? Mind Canyon is an improvised documentary a bit like Radiolab. “We invite some of the best UK improvisers to take part. They don’t know the topic until we’re about to record - then they help us build the story on the spot. It’s then edited with the same passion as the documentary podcasts it’s emulating.”
    This might be your first pandemic: but there have been many before. Quarantine Genius helps us understand how Shakespeare dealt with the theatres being shut because of the plague; and whether the theory of gravity was formulated because Isaac Newton couldn’t go down to the shops.

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