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Bert Williams
US Library of Congress

400,000 sound recordings come out of copyright

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Happy Public Domain Day 2022 - on Jan 1, more than 400,000 sound recordings went into the public domain in the US, including tracks from Bert Williams (above), as well as books like AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh and movies from Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. What might you find for your podcast?

The Tech Stuff - with the podcast:transcript tag

  • Podcast app Fountain has published its list of most supported shows on the platform, using the value-for-value cryptocurrency “boost” method. Podcasting 2.0 is the #1 show; the Podnews podcast is #11!

  • Tip: AWS Cloudfront will only compress content that has a Content-Length header. If you’re generating a larger (and dynamic) podcast RSS feed, it will likely be chunked, and therefore have no such header. Buffer the output, and set one manually, in that case. Related: Podnews’s RSS feed is now compressed; saving us 77% of our data bill (60GB down to 15GB), a saving of, er, $1.10 a month. 🎉

    • We get more than 486,000 requests for our RSS feed every month ($4.86 in fees). Were everyone to support Podping, that would drop to about 2,000 requests a month ($0.02).
  • The Podnews RSS feed is also now paged. Good podcast apps that support paging, like PodcastAddict, will now see all 986 episodes. We’ve also added all these episodes to Spotify’s feed, since it shows them all.

  • Boostagrams (a way of sending a message and a tip using new podcast apps) are a great way to get in touch; thank you to the many messages we had over the holiday period. Especially:

    • “I like the music bed”, says Dave Jones (we’re looking at refreshing our music in 2022)
    • “BOOST! From the guy who’s voice clip saying that word is regularly used by Adam Curry!”, says whoever that is
    • Adam himself boosted for our mention of Able and the Wolf, the music album that’s been released with streaming sats

Tips and tricks

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