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Podkite launches; Acast adds a voice app (in Swedish)

Podkite launches; Acast adds a voice app (in Swedish)

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  • Podkite launched today. “It’s an analytics and intelligence platform for individual podcasters, larger publishers and advertisers”, they tell us, and they measure both Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

    • This might be the first platform to measure Google Podcasts in a public way; of interest for algorithm-watchers, in the last 30 days, the TED Radio Hour has consistently been #3 on Google Podcasts since August 2; before that, it was consistently #4. In the same timeframe on Apple Podcasts, it’s fluctuated between #25 and #43, very rarely staying still. (Now, if we can only get this podcast trending on Google.)
  • Google Assistant släppt i Sverige! The Google Assistant has been launched in Sweden today (which powers Google Home and other devices). Stockholm-based Acast are a launch partner, and have today announced a voice app to allow people to listen to shows directly on smart speakers.

  • The Edinburgh TV Festival, the UK’s flagship television event, has a session on podcasting hosted by Somethin’Else.

    Aug 4 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • The BBC Studios Voice, a viewer/listener panel for the BBC, says this in a recent communication: “We were surprised to learn 38% of [our] panellists have never listened to a podcast before. Accessibility and awareness of interesting, quality podcasts were cited as barriers to listening. For those that do listen regularly, commuting has become a time to embed podcasts into people’s daily lives, with comedy coming through as a popular genre.”

  • Interviews with podcasters: Alex Goldman from Reply All is interviewed in Podchaser today; Ear Hustle’s Nigel Poor joins to talk about Raymond Carver’s writing, a lifelong habit of eavesdropping, and her time working at San Quentin, in But That’s Another Story; Gimlet’s Matt Lieber and NPR’s Neal Carruth are interviewed in Space Daily.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 4 2023
  • A new reason to make a podcast: to defend charges of road rage that got you taken off the radio.

    Aug 4 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Podtrac have released their US top podcast publishers data for July. Total global downloads is down by 2% month-on-month, in spite of July being 3% longer than June. WNYC Studios is down by nearly a quarter.

    Aug 4 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Out today for preschoolers in Australia: Classic Kids: Music for The Dreaming, a podcast featuring new compositions by Yuin woman and composer, Aunty Brenda Gifford.

  • Media commentator Adam Bowie doesn’t like “overly mannered podcast presentation”. "I just want podcast and radio presenters to be a little more original, and mostly natural."

  • From Nashville, Without Warning, a campaigning podcast about Lauren Agee’s death, has been covered by local TV newsteam Fox 17.

  • Audioburst has added personalised audio clips to two news apps, TopBuzz and News Republic.

Companies mentioned above:
Acast logoAcastApple logoAppleApple Podcasts logoApple PodcastsBBC Studios logoBBC StudiosGoogle logoGoogleGoogle Podcasts logoGoogle PodcastsPodchaser logoPodchaserPodtrac logoPodtracSomethin'ElseWNYC Studios

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